Become Your Own Healer!
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is the abbreviation of Emotional Freedom Technique; it is an energetic tool of transformation with infinite potential. It is a brief of therapeutic interventions and self-help tools, sometimes known as “acupuncture without needles” or “tapping therapy. Using this technique will help you deal with physical pain and emotional distress
1- Why EFT?
EFT was used successfully to help veterans and victims of mass genocide ease their PTSD (post dramatic stress disorder). The benefit of tapping lies on freeing you from negative emotions tied to limiting beliefs, fears, and old memories that unconsciously block your desires. According to the founder Gary Graig: “the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system”. Once you clear these blockages by using the taping technique you are affecting the flow of energy thus removing the blockages which were creating the emotion and/or physical problem and you will have the emotional freedom to make good things happen!!
2- Is EFT right for you?
EFT is clinically proven and is found to be an “evidence-based” practice for anxiety, depression, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)! Even if you never tried energy healing before or even if you still don’t believe in it, we invite you to try it and experience the great effect of tapping. EFT is used in Chinese medicine; it is also used by top speakers like Jack Canfield, Anthony Robbins and many more because it is so effective in moving your goals forward.
Reasons you should be using EFT Tapping:
- It reduces stress
- Releases negative emotions
- Relieves physical pain
- Heal Past Trauma
- Enjoy Emotional Freedom
- Anyone can learn how to do it, anytime, anywhere
- You can do some Tapping in just a few minutes
- & It’s FREE…
3- How does EFT work?
There are several explanations of how EFT works. But it is simple.
Step 1: Awareness
Become aware of the problem you would like to work on, focus on the thought which brings the unpleasant emotional or the physical pain, for example like the fear you are facing, the anger or the guilt. Describe what is bothering you.
Step 2: Balancing
Measure how intense your feeling or pain is from 0 – 10. Rate the problem on the scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is the mildest, and 10 is the highest intensity of the problem. Create your Setup Phrase (see below) and start the tapping…
Step 3: Clearing or the Sequence
The C learing part of the EFT procedure aims to “clear” the energetic and the imbalances that are contributing to the issue, by tapping on the acupuncture points on the face, chest and hands (picture below). The reason we tap on the acupuncture points is to initiate the flow of energy through the meridians thus correcting the disturbance in the energy field associated with that problem.
Step 4: Evaluation
Focus on the problem or issue again and notice how you feel. Check the rating on the scale of 0 to 10 – is the intensity the same, or has it subsided? Is there anything different about the feeling, sensation or the thought? Repeat the process until the feeling disappear.
4- EFT Set-up Phrase
The basic structure of the EFT Set-up Phrase is:

- “Even though I have this horrible nagging headache, I love & accept myself.”
- “Even though I am anxious about tomorrow’s interview, I love & accept myself.”
For Balancing, repeat the Set-up Phrase three times, while continuously tapping on the Karate Chop point, OR rubbing the Sore Spot (choose just one of the two).
5- Understanding the tapping points

KC (1) Karate Chop Point
Releases: psychological reversal (feeling stuck or frozen), inability to let go, resistance to change, sorrow, feeling vulnerable, worry, obsession, compulsive behaviour.
Allows: Ability to move forward, letting go of the old, healing from grief, finding happiness in and connecting to the present moment. (Small Intestine Meridian)
TH (9) Top of Head Point
Releases: Inner critic, ‘gerbil wheel’ thinking, lack of focus.
Allows: Spiritual connection, insight, intuition, focus, wisdom, spiritual discernment, clarity. (‘Hundred Meeting Points’ Meridian)
EB (2) Eyebrow Point
Releases: Trauma, hurt, sadness, restlessness, frustration, impatience, restlessness and dread.
Allows: Peace and emotional healing. (Bladder Meridian)
SE (3) Side of Eye Point
Releases: Rage, anger, resentment, fear of change and muddled thinking.
Allows: Clarity and compassion. (Gall Bladder Meridian)
UE (4) Under Eye Point
Releases: Fear, anxiety, emptiness, worry, nervousness and disappointment.
Allows: Contentment, calmness, and feeling safe. “All is well’. (Stomach Meridian)
UN (5) Under Nose Point
Releases: Embarrassment, powerlessness, shame, guilt, grief, fear of ridicule, fear of failure and psychological reversals.
Allows: Self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and compassion for self and others. (Governing Meridian)
CH (6) Chin Point
Releases: Confusion, uncertainty, shame, embarrassment and second guessing decisions.
Allows: Clarity, certainty, confidence, and self-acceptance.(Central Meridian)
CB (7) Collar Bone Point
Releases: Psychological reversal, feeling stuck, indecision, worry, and general stress.
Allows: Ease in moving forward, confidence, and clarity. (Kidney Meridian – Adrenal Gland Function)
UA (8) Under Arm Point
Releases: Guilt, worry, obsessing, hopelessness, insecurity, and poor self esteem.
Allows: Clarity, confidence, relaxation, and compassion for self and others. (Spleen Meridian)
A Brief Reminder of the Process
- Connect with your targeted emotion.
- Evaluate the degree of disturbance felt when you feel the emotion.
While tapping, repeat the setup phrase which could be something like that:
- Even though I have this (fill your emotion) _______, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
- Then: I want to be free from this_______.
- Repeat the tapping on all the points by repeating the Setup phrase until the negative feeling disappear.
- Bennett, M. (n.d.). A Pocket Guide to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for Addiction Treatment, Self-Help and Recovery.
- Lynch, M. M. (2013). Tapping into Wealth. New York.
- Nathan, M. E. (n.d.). EFT Tapping.
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