Cognitive Behaviour Therapies
Cognitive Behaviour Therapies include a range of techniques all focused on helping you to identify and change negative patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.
By changing these patterns, which are often automatic and unconscious, you can find more helpful ways to effectively deal with difficult situations or issues.
Our practitioners offer the following types of Cognitive Behaviour Therapies face-to-face in London, Beirut and Cyprus and online.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapies include:
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a combination of mindfulness skills, behaviour therapy and self-acceptance.
It challenges you to accept situations that are beyond your control, which most of us often find difficult to deal with, and commit to facing the problem head-on.
Rather than ignoring or avoiding negative emotions, or feeling guilty about them, ACT helps you to accept them for what they are. Once you stop denying your feelings about something, you can start to move beyond the problem.
ACT is used to help with:
Eating disorders
Chronic pain
Biodecoding Therapy
Biodecoding therapy is a pioneering approach that can deliver permanent positive results to people struggling with chronic pain and unresolved illness.
It is a listening therapy used to identify the emotional origin of a disease and aid transformation. Emotions can affect the body at a cellular level for a long time, leading to long-term pain and disease.
Biodecoding therapy can help you to understand this, begin to release those feelings and start healing from their physical effect.
Biodecoding Therapy is used to help with:
Chronic Pain
Long-term Illness
Eating Disorders
Physical Disease
Behavioral Issues
Emotional Imbalance
Transgenerational Healing
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technique created in the 1970s that helps you to improve the way you communicate with yourself and others.
Our unconscious mind is the source of automatic habitual thoughts and behaviour and contains a map of how we see the world. The limitations contained in that map can often stop us from achieving our goals and negatively impact the way we relate to ourselves and those around us.
NLP uses a range of tools and techniques to help you change your internal map and find a more positive way of interacting with the world and improving your self-talk.
NLP is used to help with:
Achieving your goals
Improving work performance
Conditioned Reflex Therapy
Conditioned Reflex Therapy is a long-established form of therapy that focuses on changing behaviour in order to produce changes in thoughts and feelings.
This kind of therapy is focused on helping people to embrace assertive and expressive behaviours to help them shed the inhibitions that can lead to neurotic disorders.
Conditioned Reflex Therapy uses techniques such as relaxation, imagery and short-term therapy to help you confront and accept any personality traits you feel held back by.
Conditioned Reflex Therapy is used to help with:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) helps you to deal with current problems, rather than focusing on the past.
It does this by helping you to identify and change negative patterns of thought and behaviour. This then brings about positive changes to the way you deal with emotional issues and situations in the present.
Over a relatively short-term, CBT can help you to understand the important link between thoughts and feelings, and put in place new processes that prevent you becoming overwhelmed or trapped by your emotions.
CBT is used to help with:
Eating disorders
Bipolar disorder
Together, we can find the right way forward to suit your unique needs.