What A Vitamin B Deficiency Does To Your Psyche

Meet the B family, medically or more commonly known as the Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B is known as a family simply because its members are always found together in the same foods.

The B-complex family comprises eight wonderful members that play together to form all the building blocks of a healthy body. Each member has an individual name or number. Most people know them by their numbers: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. This family most commonly hangs around together in the following places: lentils, whole-grains, yeast, nuts, sunflower seeds, peas, milk, cauliflower, spinach and legumes.

If you’re interested to get to know each family member individually in private visits, here is the best link I have found. It’s concise, telling you what each member does along with its family name. On the other hand, you might be interested to know what signs might lead you to even pay them a visit.

In other words, if you had a Vitamin B deficiency, what would your life look like?

Everyone forgets where they put their keys, but if you start to forget entire episodes and important details of your life, it may be time to consider vitamin deficiency. Memory loss combined with weakness, paranoia, anemia and pale yellow skin are all signs of Vitamin B deficiency. Lastly—and this means you are highly deficient—you start to experience numbness in your lower legs, feet and hands.

As part of a body and mind consultancy, I am trained to look for deficiencies that affect our mental health and, in effect, our spiritual wellbeing. So, here is the father of the B-complex family, the one I fear the most: his name is folate, otherwise known as B9. He helps support the nervous system. If you are pregnant, he helps support the formation of your baby’s brain, and he highly influences depression.B9 is most commonly found in beets, root vegetables and salmon.

How do you treat this?

Though you will find plenty of supplements on the market, too, I want to make you aware of a crucial factor. If your food is highly acidic—in other words, if you rely heavily on junk food—you might not benefit from tablets. This is where the painful part comes. Pernicious anemia, otherwise known as anemia caused by long-duration Vitamin B deficiency, damages the stomach lining, hindering the body from absorbing. Try this: Vitamin B, which further aggravates the condition and depletes the body of Vitamin B. It’s a vicious circle. In such a case, seek medical help; a GP can inject Vitamin B in the form of an injection into your behind. This injection is painful; because Vitamin B is an oil, it burns when it enters muscle.

Through my own Vitamin B deficiency when I was at university and my inability to lead a healthy life, I discovered an alternative to this injection. It contains the entire Vitamin B family, as well as other minerals which are highly beneficial. It’s called brewers’ yeast, and, since it is a natural supplement, the body is capable of breaking it down and absorbing it.

Here are three steps to discovering if you are Vitamin B deficient.

  • Step 1: Are you weak, with yellow nails and skin?
  • Step 2: Take brewers’ yeast. Does your energy level increase that day?
  • Step 3: If the answer is yes, continue with brewers’ yeast until it no longer has the desired effect.

Remember, once your body has built its needed supply, it will automatically balance out. Your body has a natural ability to begin absorbing a supplement, so giving your body its necessary rest time is crucial for it to adapt and balance itself out.

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