Why Pregnant Women Need Red Raspberry Leaf: Nature’s Tonic

The miracles of nature never cease to amaze us. The universe, created with a Machiavellian end, leads ironically in this case to an altruistic purpose perhaps?

We discover not only that the fruit is beneficial but that even the leaves of the fruit have highly therapeutic effects.

It’s amazing how a common fruit like the red raspberry leaf (Rubus ideaus) can have so many health benefits for the average person. A native species in North American and most of Europe, several properties of the raspberry help make birthing and labour much easier. In fact, the raspberry could very well be considered an organic must-have for pregnant women.

What is this fruit?

The herbal wonders of raspberry leaves have been documented across history. In fact, as early as the sixth century, women knew that raspberry leaves are their reliable partners in maternal health. Since the beginning of time, women have searched for healing therapies. Imagine the extent to which women had to go in order to relieve themselves of the symptoms of menstruation, pregnancy or labour. It seems pain and womanhood have been imprinted alongside each other for all time, perhaps the price of Eve’s seduction of Adam, as is said in the creation myth…

Red raspberry leaves even played an important religious role in many civilisations. Their medicinal use was understood by the ancient Chinese, Greeks and Native Americans. The ancient Romans frequently used red raspberries to cure common ailments such as diarrhoea, wounds and dysentery. In Christianity, the raspberry has been artistically depicted as a symbol of kindness, with the red fruit taken to portray the heart from where kindness flows. In the Philippines, the raspberry is symbolic of righteousness; hanging a raspberry cane deters evil spirits! And if that were not enough, the Germans traditionally considered raspberry canes to have calming effects on horses when tied to their bodies..

So, how might raspberry leaves help pregnant women? An infusion of raspberry leaf can be a useful and delicious tonic, easing many difficulties of pregnancy and even labour. A raspberry-leaf infusion is rich in many vitamins and minerals, including A, B, C, D, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, and it also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of their fragrance, they can tone several uterine and pelvic muscles, easing the birthing process. In order to maximize the benefits of raspberry-leaf infusion, the key is to drink it regularly.

Women certainly partner in health in the raspberry-leaf infusion, with amazing benefits including…

  • Easing morning sickness and its symptoms.
  • Preventing bleeding gums, which many women experience during pregnancy.
  • Relaxing the uterine muscles during contractions and strengthening them due to the presence of iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium.
  • Stopping excess post-partum bleeding.
  • Promoting a rich supply of breast milk.

The raspberry’s anti-inflammatory properties are also effective in treating stomach troubles. Taking the infusion will sooth stomach aches and cramps, relieve diarrhoea, and help relieve fever and sore throats. It also improves blood circulation and boosts digestive health. The raspberry-leaf infusion also helps expectant mothers, aiding fertility and helping regulate irregular menstrual periods.

So, ladies, as you can see, red raspberry leaf is your wonder herb. Next time you feel any of those nasty, painful symptoms, drink a raspberry-leaf infusion…as for the gents, you need to have this wonderful supplement in your emergency cabinet for those times when you start to see your partner’s eyebrows raised…

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