What Magnesium Can Do For Your Nervous And Muscular System
Sometimes we get confused and don’t know which supplements to take and which not to take, whilst at other times ideas about certain supplements are so ingrained that it is hard for us to see them in a new light.
For example, we may think that we don’t need to supplement our diets with magnesium because we already eat bananas or use nuts and seeds at breakfast. I mean seriously do you think that is enough???
Different supplements can be used for different symptoms and when people actually understand the importance of supplements and how to take them safely and effectively then they will truly feel the difference and will prevent themselves from using less chemicals and painkillers in their body. For example, did you know that when people suffer from jet lag their intestines constrict due to time zone change?
One way to ease constipation is to increase magnesium intake, since this relaxes the muscles in the intestines and helps to establish a smoother rhythm that ultimately eliminates constipation. It also attracts water, and an increase of this in the colon serves to soften the stool, helping to make it easier to pass and thus relieving constipation. However, it is important to note that one of the side effects of magnesium for some people is diarrhea if taken in high doses, which means that one problem could quickly turn into another…
What is this supplement for?
People think magnesium is only for muscles. Many will tell you that their muscles are fine and that they don’t have any neck or back pain. But what they don’t know is that it is used for asthma, a condition that attacks the airways (passages to the lungs) and causes them to narrow from muscle spasms and swelling (inflammation). Bronchodilator drugs (inhalers) can be used to relax the muscles and open the airways, and corticosteroids are often prescribed to reduce the inflammation.
However, magnesium is a viable alternative as it has been used in hospitals to help relieve the symptoms of life-threatening, drug-resistant asthma attacks and to diminish the negative effects of the asthma drugs used.
Below are a selection of interesting facts about magnesium intake:
- There are 640 muscles in the human body, of which the heart is the hardest working. Every heartbeat pumps 2 oz. of blood, which adds up to at least 2,500 gallons a day.
- A common indicator of mild magnesium deficiency is cramping in the calf muscle at night, usually when lying in bed.
- Magnesium deficiency can lead to a disturbance in melatonin, which is the sleep regulating hormone, and so can lead to sleep problems. In addition to helping you get a good night’s rest, magnesium also balances and controls stress hormones. Tension and stress are often reasons why people suffer from insomnia in the first place.
- Serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and elevates mood, is dependent on magnesium.
- Magnesium helps alkalise the body by stabilising its pH balance and reducing lactic acid, which is partly responsible for post-exercise pain, also known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
- It helps to hydrate the body as it is a necessary electrolyte essential.
- Magnesium can help to relieve constipation by cleansing the bowels of toxins.
- Patients who suffer from chronic asthma may be able to normalize their breathing with the help of magnesium supplements, since these relax the bronchial muscles and regulate breathing. Even wheezing and breathlessness can be relieved through administration of intravenous magnesium.
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