Tips and a Meditation for Tauruses

Taurus: April 25 to May 26

The secrets of this month are healing and inner reflection. The new moon of Taurus gives us an opportunity to examine our inner selves. Though this month will start out very slow, with things you want to accomplish taking much more of your perseverance than usual, by the full moon, activity will again begin to open and return to normal speed.

Work & Romance

In work, maintain your focus on the bigger picture. Avoid getting dragged down by unrealistic, dreamy thoughts. Above all, maintain clarity in your business. Why? Because Venus, the planet ruling this month, is foggy, and fog tends to keep us from seeing the bigger picture. So, in all matters of work, practice persistence. Take care that your initial goals do not place fake expectations on people.

In your romantic life, you will experience many new opportunities. You and your partner will become closer than you have been in some time, as if you both have drifted to a new, dreamy fairy land of possibility. If you are not in a relationship, you will find many new possibilities playing out in front of you. Try to keep your cool, and don’t get carried away by fantasies or ideas that are far from reality.

Try to be vocal about your feelings this month. Be truthful to who you are, who you want to be, and what you want from other people. This is not a good time to focus on keeping the peace, with more important matters at hand. Especially in the first half of the month, focus on actually getting tasks done.

In terms of your general health, drink some lemonade and honey, as the throat is particularly sensitive this month. Try using your hand’s heat on your throat to sooth it. On the first day of the month, reflect on healing any of your physical ailments. This is a particularly strong month for healing by using the month’s energy of earth and fire.

Finally, the meditation and mantra for the month is this: perseverance and being true to our inner selves. On the first day of the month, plant the right seeds by injecting healing, perseverance and clarity. Do this as follows. In the evening of April 25th, after sundown, lay in bed, close your eyes and slowly picture a white light surrounding your body. In this white light, picture the real you. Notice your thoughts when you are alone. If they are thoughts of hurt, heal them; say something positive to yourself. Make yourself a promise to do at least two tasks every day this month that bring you closer towards your goals. While remaining in this light, talk about your feelings silently to yourself.

This is truly an amazing month for inner reflection. So, good luck! Don’t forget to contact the BMC team if you need help in your healing.

Meditation for the month of Taurus:

I honour myself and pursue my goals to the fullest.

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